Category Archives: Stress Relief

Do You Know Your Stress Warning Signs?

Take a moment to survey your upper body. Do you immediately notice sensations of pain, [...]

Creative Stress Relief

“Knitting?” “That was too slow for me.” My 80 year old mother responded to my [...]

Stress and the Question “Why”

When faced with situations or circumstances that are difficult to understand, we often ask the [...]

Yoga, Stress Relief and Me

My friend Leah invited my daughter and me to a yoga class during Christmas break. [...]

Mia Wilson, Ed.D Shares her Personal Stress Relieving Techniques

Dr. Wilson is a licensed counselor in the State of Florida. She is an Addiction [...]

30 Minute Stress Relief Regimen

I rode 5.6 miles in 30 minutes Saturday morning. Early morning bike rides have rekindled [...]

Organizations: Lower Stress – Increase Profit 

Managing stress is an important component for a satisfying work experience.  Companies have a responsibility [...]


Muscles are made for movement.  Sitting in the same position for extended periods of time, [...]

Plan to Limit Stress

Having too much on our plate increases our stress level.  So many of us cannot [...]