Category Archives: Vision/Mission/Goals

Buying a Car I Could Not Drive Taught Me the Value of Stepping Out on Faith

“This is about getting mighty clear about what makes you happy and what makes you [...]

6 Genius Reasons for Having A Personal Vision and Professional Mission

I am the Career Architect for social workers and those pursuing a social work career. [...]

Another One of My Favorite Things: The Path

The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and for Life by Laurie Beth Jones [...]

Stop Looking at Your Feet

A Sunday morning bike ride enabled me to see how subtle actions make a difference [...]

You Can Turn Dreams into Reality

  Do you want to make your dreams reality? Develop a vision, a plan and [...]

Follow Your Dreams

Professional satisfaction is linked to your ability to incorporate your dreams and desires into a [...]

Have You Abandoned Your Dreams

The dreams and desires you hold make up your personal/professional life vision. Your personal/professional vision [...]

What is Your Mission?

Knowing your mission will enable you to focus your attention and energy on the steps [...]


Are you Passionate or Compelled?

This is Day 2 of the #YourTurnChallenge.  This is my second [...]

Begin with the End in Mind

Begin with the End in Mind The second principal in Stephen [...]