Do I Really Need a Stress Management Consultant?

“When is someone going to take care of me?” My friend exclaimed during one of our marathon conversations. We both lamented the expectations our families had of each of us. Being supportive of elderly parents, adult and emerging adult children can be overwhelming. My friend is retired. I, however, continue to work a full-time job and grow a side hustle business. Oh, I almost forgot. I am married which adds to the list of expectations.

Dilemmas Women Experience

My situation is not unique. Many women are sandwiched between aging parents and maturing children. Some aspire to own their own business. Others desire to finally go for the dream they deferred. Still most want to focus on and give themselves the care and nurturing they miss. This all sounds selfish does it not? That is the dilemma. When women seek to carve out space for themselves, they are viewed as selfish.

Please do not misunderstand. We both love our families and are available to them. We need and desire quality time to forge our own way. When our daughters were in middle school, I decided to start a part-time private practice and consulting firm. I had ongoing conversations with my husband about it. Once I made a final decision to pursue it, I spoke with our daughters. They listened as I explained what I was doing and how it would affect them. I answered their questions and committed to always put our family first. I have kept that commitment.

The past eight years as a side hustle entrepreneur coupled with being a wife, mother, and adult daughter of aging parents has had its challenges. My stress level seems to remain high. I had to find a way to relieve it while maintaining motivation. Other women experience high levels of stress and feel overwhelmed. They probably believe that they must bear the weight of stress on their own. I became a stress management consultant to help overwhelmed women feel relief. The following information should help to decide whether a stress management consultant would help.

What is stress management consulting?

A stress management consultant completes a comprehensive assessment to determine the overt and covert causes of stress. The assessment provides a clear picture of how stress affects one’s ability to function. The consultant helps the participant to use eustress to their benefit. The participant is guided to develop plans to limit distress.

Stress is a physical reaction to a change or a demand. A stress management consultant provides experience and expertise to enable participants to understand how they physically, emotionally, and mentally relate to the stressors in their lives.

Specifically, stress management consultants work with participants to:

  • Gain clarity regarding your stress level and how you experience it
  • Identify the underlying and hidden causes of increased stress in your life
  • Learn effective approaches to relieve overwhelming stress.
  • Integrate holistic strategies that act with body, mind, and spirit
  • Incorporate strategies and activities that fit within your personal lifestyle
  • Develop healthier lifestyle activities to proactively limit the negative effects of high levels of stress
  • Learn to organize and manage time to meet the demands of life

While stress is personal, stress management consultants understand that a comprehensive plan includes as many aspects of a person’s life as possible. This means that stress intervention plans will consider meaningful relationships. This includes family, friends, and work colleagues. Together the participant and stress management consultants will also discuss strategies to address contentious relationships. These interactions increase stress levels.

When necessary, stress management consultants will refer participants to the appropriate healthcare services or practitioners. A stress management consultant may not take care of you. They will, however, teach you to take care of yourself.

“I want to be happy, whole, satisfied and successful. What about you?”

Visit the M.L. Bailey Consultants website. We are sprucing it up, so please be patient with us. You may join the conversation like our Facebook page, follow me on Instagram and connect with me on LinkedIn.

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