How Farzana Doctor Helped a Working Woman Reclaim her Love of Reading

I am reclaiming my love of reading for pleasure. Canadian author Farzana Doctor encouraged me by introducing me to her award winning novels.

For many years I focused on reading books, journals, and articles to advance my private practice work. Although this was a practical use of my time, the reading was often boring. Learning and improving my skills remain important to the growth of my practice. Focusing my attention on novels or light reading became difficult. My mind wandered and I kept thinking about all the tasks I needed to complete for my family, business and full-time job.

Self-care is equally important. I must take care of myself. A balanced lifestyle is the basis of self-care.

About Working Women

Working women can relate. So many of us put our hobbies or activities on hold to attend to work or home responsibilities. I provide training and mentoring in stress management for working women who are 30-60 years old. Lack of balance is a major concern for these women. Their time is split between the numerous demands of their careers and their families. A balanced lifestyle is vital to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Here is an example of what working women might face after leaving their jobs for the day. I describe my after work activities to illustrate imbalance. I left my full-time job and went to my practice office to meet with a client. After the appointment, I drove home. When I arrived, I listened to summaries of my family’s day. I cooked dinner from scratch. After our family ate, I loaded the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen. Eight o’clock and I had done nothing for myself. The dog even waited patiently for me to play ball. I did. By the time I finished taking care of everyone else, it was time to lie down.

Reading for pleasure will help me to restore balance to my lifestyle.

Other Working Women

Other working women spend their evenings in similar fashion. Their time is not their own. They may be in the process of developing and growing a side hustle business. Additionally, family responsibilities pull them in many different directions. For example, they may have young school age children who need attention and guidance from “mom.” They may also have emerging adult or adult children who still desire direction. Some working women provide support to their aging parents.

Farzana Doctor, a writer and psychotherapist contributed to my return to reading. She sent me two of her novels, Six Metres of Pavement and All Inclusive. It occurred to me that I had not read a “good” book in a long time. Her books changed all of that. These books made me realize that I could make time to read.

First, the books were captivating. Farzana writes like she is having a conversation which makes them easy to read. Second, the characters express real emotions. She allows the reader to hear the character’s thoughts and to experience their unspoken feelings. Third, the stories are fascinating and provide a welcome distraction from stressful world events.

Do you fall into the “I love to read, but I don’t have time” group? Does your life need more balance? If so, I want to challenge you to reclaim your lost love of reading for pleasure. Make time for yourself. When you do, let me know what you chose to read.


Working women who are pulled in many directions by work and family responsibilities. You need to balance these demands with self-focus. You have trouble focusing on your needs because you are constantly thinking about what you must do for others.


Reading helps us to relax and provides moments of peace. The stories provide a distraction from daily frustrations and concerns. Books and stories are entertaining, capturing our imagination and emotions. Most importantly, you are doing something for yourself.


Always keep a book with you. Stick one in your purse or tote. Make sure it is always within reach. You will probably feel compelled to pick it up if it is in front of you. Read for 5-10 minutes at a time. You can read while waiting in line. Designate a family reading hour. Everyone chooses a book and they read that book for the set amount of time.


Choose an interesting book. Shake things up and select a book from a genre that is outside of your norm. Ask friends who read for suggestions. Go to an independent bookstore and talk to other shoppers or the owners. They always have great suggestions.

My Suggestion:

I recommend Seven by Farzana Doctor. Seven is described as “a rich, soulfully written novel about inheritance and resistance that tests the balance between modern and traditional customs.”

“I want to be happy, whole, satisfied and successful. What about you?”

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