What Work Life Balance Looks Like for Me a Side Hustle Social Worker

Eight O’clock. I cannot remember the last time I stayed in bed until eight o’clock in the morning. Well, today I did. I woke up well rested and ready to work. My first task is to finish writing and posting this blog before moving to the next thing. Sleeping in felt good. It was a rare treat for me.

As a side hustle social worker, I have a full-time job and a private practice consulting firm. Both require much planning and coordination to manage the responsibilities. My full-time position is with a school system. For this reason, I work 8 – 4:30, Monday through Friday during the school year. Our school year traditionally starts in August and ends in May.

I conduct business in my private practice on an appointment only basis in the evenings and on Saturdays. I found that this scheduling accommodates the needs of working people. When summer arrives, I schedule appointments during the day and evening.

This summer has been a busy one for me. I added telehealth sessions to my service offerings. I am also developing an online course on stress management and sleep. The course is designed for people who have symptoms of insomnia. They have trouble falling asleep quickly or repeatedly wake up throughout the night. Sleep is interrupted causing them to wake up much earlier than desired. They get out of bed feeling tired, angry, and frustrated.

I am also a wife and the mother of college students. The COVID-19 pandemic caused both daughters to return home. Now we have a house full of adults. While everyone is self-sufficient and independent, we have made a point of eating dinner together. This means, someone must cook. That task is usually mine.

When I started the business, my husband and children supported me by taking on additional household responsibilities. When our daughters started college, some of those responsibilities reverted to my husband and me exclusively. As a result, I needed to review my actions to recreate balance.

What image comes to mind when you think of work life balance? Many imagine a pan balance. A pan balance is the type of scale that many of us used in science class to learn how to measure in grams. An item is placed on one pan. Weights are placed on the other plan. When the two pans are at the same level, it is an indication that both sides are equal in weight. This provides the weight of the item.

Work life balance cannot be measured in the same way. Life ebbs and flows. Situations change. We cannot schedule equal time at work with equal time off. Worries and concerns are rarely counterbalanced with happiness. To approach balance from the standpoint of equal and level. My approach is trifold and includes the following:

I focus on what works for my family and me.

Any activity or action considers the needs of my love ones. Worries and concerns are minimized when our needs and concerns are met. We address those concerns together. When our daughters were young, I committed to being the “best mommy I could be.” This mission drove my thoughts, actions, and beliefs as we raised them. Although my mission has changed and I am reclaiming a few of my dreams, my family remains an integral part of my efforts to maintain a balanced life.

I experience meaningful accomplishments

My day begins with a mantra expounding my mission for the day. My clients know that I am a proponent of established missions. A personal mission establishes one’s purpose in life. All actions, behaviors, and thoughts align with the mission.

I create daily missions that relate to my overall personal mission. Each day I will focus on that mission and complete actions that align with the mission. This focus allows me to feel fulfilled. I experience achievements throughout the day. The achievements may be small in scope. They meet my needs and serve as encouragement during moments of frustration.

I engage in enjoyable activities

Life is truly short. I try to regularly participate in activities that I enjoy. I love movies. My husband and I used to make a date to meet after work for dinner out or for a movie. Now that COVID-19 has closed movie theaters, that option is on hold. We also get carryout for the time being.

Sometimes my activities are planned and sometimes they are spontaneous. They often include people who make me happy. For example, I enjoy baking. It takes little effort and a short amount of time to bake a dessert.

How are you maintaining balance in your life?

“I want to be happy, whole, satisfied and successful. What about you?”

Visit the M.L. Bailey Consultants website. We are sprucing it up, so please be patient with us. You may join the conversation like our Facebook page, follow me on Instagram and connect with me on LinkedIn.

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